RSO Gummies
What you will need:
Yields 30-50 gummies
1000mg(or number of mg)÷number of gummies=potency
glass measuring cup
corn syrup
box of preferred flavor of 3oz. jell-o
gelatin (most boxes come with 4 packets, you will only need 2 packets!)
food-grade silicon candy molds
fork/something to stir with or whisk
medium size cooking pot
condiment bottle
preferred strain of RSO
cooking spray
glass storage containers
RSO gummies with basic ingredients
How to prepare:
STEP ONE: Measure a half (1/2) cup of COLD water into the glass measuring cup. Add a quarter (1/4) cup of corn syrup to the cold water
STEP TWO: Stir this mixture until completely clear and then add it to the cooking pot (Do not add heat!)
STEP THREE: Add the two (2) packets of gelatin and the box of jell-o flavoring to the cooking pot mixture (Do not add heat!)
STEP FOUR: Stir the sticky mixture until all clumps are completely dissolved and you have a sugary looking soup
Have patience for this step. Maybe have a partner on hand to help you stir if your arm gets tired!
Sugary soup! Now it is ready for heat!
STEP FIVE: Set the heat to medium-low for about five (5) to ten (10) minutes. Give the mixture a good stir every minute or so to prevent the mixture from sticking to the sides of your pot and from burning.
While the mixture is heating up, have your silicon candy molds ready on the table. Spray them with cooking spray as lightly as possible. This makes it a BREEZE to get the gummies out of the molds later.
Look for the mixture to clear up a bit more as it gets heated up. Once it is a clear, sugary liquid, remove it from the heat! If it starts to bubble/boil a little bit, that is okay! (That happened to me, too.) Just remove it from the heat immediately and give it a good stir to make it as much of a liquid substance as possible.
STEP SIX: The mixture should be removed from heat and at this point you can add your selected strain of RSO. (In my case, I used GG #4 from Cresco Labs.) Squirt the entire 1000mg syringe of RSO into the mixture and mix everything together well. The color will change a little bit.
Having a partner during this part is beneficial if your hands don't work as well as others. My boyfriend helped me at this point.
STEP SEVEN: Fill your condiment bottle(s) with your liquid gummy mixture and fill the molds as quickly and as carefully as you can. Fill the molds just slightly above the rim of the mold. The mixture will shrink as it sets.
Filling these totally gave me nostalgic memories of making Creepy Crawlers with that mini workshop oven.
You want to work fast because as the mixture cools, it starts to set and becomes EXTREMELY sticky and thick.
After a little bit of filling molds, you might find that the mixture will become thick and hard to squeeze out of the bottle. You can always reheat the mixture when this happens. Make sure to keep the heat as low as possible. With the RSO added, the heat may decrease the potency. Once the mixture has become a liquid again, remove from heat. Again, working as fast you possibly can!
STEP EIGHT: Once the molds are filled to your content, leave them to set on a counter over night. (I let mine sit up 9 hours.) **PLEASE KEEP THEM OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN, PETS, AND ANYONE WHO MAY NOT WANT TO INGEST CANNABIS UNKNOWINGLY**
STEP NINE: After letting the gummies sit over night, and if you remembered to spray them with cooking spray, they will be easy to pop right out of the molds. Have a glass container with a seal handy to keep them in.
Approx. 25mg each
I didn't use anything to prevent them from sticking to each other, but I have not had any issues with these sticking while sitting in the containers so far. If you keep them in a fridge, the gummies will last up to a month!
ENJOY! Please reach out if you have any questions!
Posted by Kim Riot 4/22/2018
Basic Gummy Recipe for visual reference
Marijuana Candy Molds
Who is Rick Simpson/What is RSO?
The Original Creepy Crawlers