Lush Black Cherry 1:1 Gummies
For years now, the Artisan Chef, Mindy Segal has successfully refined her edibles to perfection. It is just our treat that most of her products do contain a fair amount of THC as well as CBD. Patients can experience a mellow, body high, and pain relief while enjoying a flavor that is delightful and tangy! Through-out the day, I was just munching on the Lush Black Cherry gummies. These gummies have an even amount of THC and CBD making them a 1:1 and each gummy is 5mg, making the entire package of 20 gummies a full 100mg. Since I typically need a little over 20mg of THC to feel elevated, the gummies are a perfect way to control how I dose. I would recommend these gummies for patients or recreational shoppers trying to micro dose and not exceed their comfort zone. The best way to get the most out of your edibles when ingesting, instead of chewing the gummies right away, keep it in your mouth while it melts. I appreciate so much, the fact that you do not taste the cannabis oil, but the flavor intended. A must try if you are a fan of edibles.
Lush Black Cherry Gummies